A Pink Rose Man Can Do…… Everything!

A Pink Rose Man Can Do…
… Everything!

Pink Rose Charities

“A bit of fragrance always clings to the hand that gives you roses” … Chinese Proverb

I have been blessed with founding and leading a wonderful company of men & women who provide homeowners with a much needed service. With our continued success I feel a responsibility to give back.

I’m doing so by donating our service fees to charitable causes. This fee was originally established to offset the costs of our vehicles and set a modest value for our dispatching service. We are now pledging all collected service fees, from uncommitted jobs, to the following Pink Rose Charities.

Have a Blessed Day,

Joe Berardi

Joe Berardi


Pink Rose Home Service®

St Peters Kitchen on Brown Street on Rochester’s west side

St Peters KitchenSt. Peter’s Kitchen is dear to my heart. My mother Dora religiously volunteered there every week for years. With a smiling face and a warm heart she handed out spoons in the soup line. I can still hear her speaking fondly, in her quaint Italian accent, of the terrific staff and wonderful volunteers and how much she cared for the impoverished and homeless that she befriended.

This is my way of sharing in her memory. www.stpeterskitchen.org


Ronald McDonald House of Central NY

Ronald McDonald HouseWe all have crosses to bear and mine occurred in 1993. My wife and I lived in Oswego, NY, about an hour’s drive to Crouse Hospital in Syracuse. The Ronald McDonald House of Central New York served as our home for a month allowing swift access to the hospital every day to oversee the care of our first child, Sara Elizabeth. At 7 months pregnancy an ultrasound reveled a hemangioma tumor in her belly requiring an emergency C-Section. Sadly, after a hard fought battle she passed away, living 34 days. With a heavy heart I shall always be grateful to Ronald McDonald House’s staff and volunteers. Their unselfish hospitality and comfortable accommodations help many families bear their own crosses. www.rmhcny.org

Veterans Outreach Center

Veterans Outreach CenterAlthough I am a veteran, I can’t come close to understanding the sacrifices and commitment that these fine men and women have given this country in the name of freedom. I served in the late 70’s in a time of peace and benefited from many GI programs, but these unselfish soldiers paid a heavy price and deserve our gratitude and support. Thank you to all our veterans. veteransoutreachcenter.org

National Breast Cancer Foundation

National Breast Cancder Organization
Breast Cancer awareness month is recognized and symbolized every October with the color “pink”; with a name like Pink Rose we couldn’t not give to this worthy charity that provides research and assistance to women worldwide in the hopes of finding a cure for breast cancer. www.nationalbreastcancer.org

Breast Cancer Ribbon

Pink Rose Charities Flyer

We Always Give a 10% Discount to Seniors and Vets*
* Not to be combined with Bouquet Club Membership Discount.